Our work with our Communities

Large or small, for an individual or a group, all our donations – and we have given nearly £2m since we started fundraising – go to people and causes where they can really have an impact in the communities we serve.
We are a firm that likes to get involved. Whether that’s by growing moustaches in Movember, baking cakes, climbing, hiking, quizzing or even checking down the back of the sofa for spare currency to fund food banks, the whole firm gets behind the good causes we support.
We focus our giving on four key areas (education, healthcare, community and the environment) and prioritise charities local to each of our ten offices.
Support for educational opportunities, particularly for disadvantaged individuals.
Charities which provide benefit to health and relief of sickness or suffering, particularly for or with children and adults suffering from incurable illnesses.
Support for community facilities (e.g. community spaces and activities) with the aim of improving the lives of local people with particular needs due to age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantages.
Support for bodies or individuals who help to improve the environment in which we as a firm operate.
Our offices currently support the following charities:
Central England
Thames Valley
Wye Valley
Meet our Charities Lead
Adam Finch
Partner, Head of Commercial Disputes
E: Lesley Peeters (PA to Adam Finch) – lpeeters@hcrlaw.com
Contributing to good causes and raising money for charity is a priority for HCR Law. I’m proud of our contribution and enjoy being part of a firm that gives back to local communities.